Q: Can I cancel Membership in VRA?
Membership in VRA can be canceled at any time and no further dues will be charged. Fees are due when the property is submitted. There is a full 30 day money back guarantee. After that Dues and Fees become non-cancelable because members have received the services.
Q: Does VRMLS and VRA offer Consumer Websites?
In general, No. Our purpose is to setup and manage the database. We do operate VacationRentalCentral.com as a free service to all members. In addition, Plumbob Publishing which developed and operates VRMLS for VRA publishes specialty vacation rental directories, and is allowed to offer them for subscription just any third party publisher can do. But there is no obligation to use Plumbob sites.
Q: How come Suppliers can join VRA?
One of the important benefits is to help members find suppliers who can help them succeed. Suppliers are invited to join and urged to display their wares and even give Managers and Owner members special discounts and services. Supporters are asked to post a link to the VRA Owner Logos.
Q: How much does VRA Owner membership cost?
Owners have several options for membership. The Limited non-voting membership includes all benefits, but just one listing and no Association vote. Standard Owner membership allows for 3 properties and full voting. Both cost just pennies a day and have a 30 day money-back guarantee.
Click to learn more
Q: How much does VRA supplier membership cost?
Suppliers memberships cost a bit more than Managers, because they can benefit a great deal more. We do ask that vendors act as partners by listing VRA on their websites and in their sales materials. We offer a money back guarantee within the first 30 days of membership.
Click to learn more
Q: How will Guests know that a property is verified or inspected?
As the number of verified and inspected properties grows we continue to promote the Blue Ribbon award as a sign of quality and to set an industry standard. Plus Owners are encouraged to promote the concept with Property Logos, Icons and Inspection Links.
Q: Is Membership required for properties to be verified or inspected?
Yes, we require Owners and Managers to subscribe to a reasonable code of ethics. Guests deserve that. And for properties to qualify for the Blue Ribbon we want to make sure Owners also agree to treat Guests well. There are also code of ethics for Suppliers and Publishers.
Q: Is there a fee to list properties on VacationRentalCentral.com?
Many websites publish listings from the Vacation Rental Multiple. There are fees to be listed on some of those websites but VacationRentalCentral.com - as the official Guest website for VRA - is free and always will be.
Q: My city is prohibiting rentals. What can I do?
We've been there before. Visit the website for information and "Warnings" in other jurisdictions. Contact other Owners and Managers who are affected. VRA staff may have other resources and, if you like, are available for strategic consulting by phone or on site for a nominal hourly rate.
Q: So why don't you put ratings on Inspected properties?
Ratings are too subjective. Cozy log cabins in the mountains might be clean, well furnished and a great buy. giant villas on the shore might be well serviced and in great demand. But both are highly desirable. So we rate furnishings, cleanliness and honesty in advertising. Guests can then choose a cottage or a village or anything in between with confidence - if it has passed the Blue Ribbon Inspection.
Q: Who are you guys??
Just some vacation rental Managers and Owners like yourself. (And some gals too!) Yes we do have experience in vacation rental ownership, management and the hotel industry too. Plus we're trained in journalism and strive to publish factual, corroborated information.
Q: Why does your organization offer Property Inspections?
Not all Vacation Rentals are created equal. You can ask the Owner or Manager or get references but how can get the real skinny? ASK an unbiased trade association like ours.. We send in an Ace inspector with a long checklist and a camera. They check the property, the resort and neighborhood. Some homes pass. Some don't. Look for the Blue Ribbon Award.
Q: Why is Supplier membership more costly?
The thinking is that membership is even more valuable to suppliers. Owners can earn good rental income but suppliers can gain many times that amount in revenue from Owners they meet through VRA. Suppliers are bigger businesses. So we ask them to support the work of VRA.
Q: What is the difference between Verified & Inspected Properties?
Owners of Verified properties provide documents which are fact checked by VRA staff to insure that the property is owned by the member - that it is a real property. Inspected properties have been personally visited by a designated VRA inspector. Inspection includes verification.
Q: Can I publish my news on WAVRMA?
Absolutely and its free of course. That is just another great way of cooperating with others in the Industry. And you can also choose to publish news to the consumer website at www.WAVRMA.com (not .org)
Q: Can I speak or make a presentation at meetings?
Yes. Wanna do it at the next meeting? Just put your name in the hat and you can bring forth most any topic you like. Rentals, Tourism, Travel, your market. You name it.
Q: Can suppliers, websites or media join WAVRMA?
But of course. Managers need to hear from everyone in the industry. The more we learn the more we grow. Contact us today to join.
Q: Do you have social events/
Not much. Most members are busy and hit the meetings on the run. Some members get to become friends and do more socializing.
Because we are open-discussion, the group may have more fun events if members want that. (We are not against fun, but are firmly in favor of doing business.)
Q: How did WAVRMA get Started? What's the story?
Started in 2004, WAVRMA is a registered not-for-profit organization formed to be an open-forum where vacation rental managers meet to discuss, share and educate each other practices, policies and improving the industry.
Q: How do I get my name, logo and photos up on the website home page?
After completing our simple membership form, just email us your logo, photos, and other information and one of our trusty volunteers will get it up as soon as possible.
And if you like it can also go on the Associations consumer website at WAVRMA.com.
How to Join Free